
This page offers a collection of links to projects, blogs, and other online resources that are relevant to 'Crossroads' and/or are sites that I follow since they are more generally related to the history of health and medicine, early medieval history, manuscript studies, the global middle ages, interdisciplinary research, and so on… I've grouped them in loose categories by topic but there is definitely some overlap between them. It should also be noted that I've included some blogs/projects that have now ended; although they might be inactive, I've decided to list them here since I still find them to be valuable resources.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for other sites I should add!

Manuscript studies / palaeography / codicology / libraries / texts

Medieval manuscripts blog - British Library

Teaching the Codex - Oxford

medievalbooks - Erik Kwakkel

Mapping Manuscript Migrations - the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, Bodleian Libraries, and Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes

Bibliotheca Laureshamensis - Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg and Kloster Lorsch

Homo Modernus - Evina Steinová

Fragmentarium - University of Fribourg

Teaching Manuscripts - Sara Charles

MeMo - Memory of Montecassino: Uncovering history through libraries

Earlier Latin Manuscripts - Tools for studying the scripts of the oldest Latin manuscripts

Early medieval history

Turbulent Priests - Charles West

Priests in a post-imperial world - Charles West, Steffen Patzold, et al.

Merovingian World - James T. Palmer

Magistra et Mater - Rachel Stone

Early medieval embroidery - Alexandra Makin

History of medicine / health / recipes

The Recipes Project - large editorial team & many different contributors

concoctinghistory - Laurence Totelin

Early Modern Medicine - Jennifer Evans and Sara Read

Early modern medicine and the body - Alun Withey

CoReMa (Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages) - Bruno Laurioux, Helmut W. Klug, et al.

EMROC (Early Modern Recipes Online Collective) - see site for details of steering committee, members, etc.

Word Doctors: Resources in Ancient Medicine - Brent Arehart

Medieval Disability Glossary - Society for the Study of Disability in the Middle Ages

The Rootcutter - blog from the Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacology

MPS - Repository (Medieval Plant Survey) - Helmut W. Klug and team

History of science / knowledge / natural world

Anonymous Knowledge - Irene van Renswoude, Carine van Rhijn, et al.

The Saxl Project - Kristen Lippincott

Ordered Universe - see site for details of the project team

Global middle ages / early modern world

Black Central Europe - Jeff Bowersox and team

The Filaha Texts Project - Karim Lahham

Intoxicating Spaces - Phil Withington, Dagmar Freist, Leos Müller, Toine Pieters, et al.
(Check out their online

Archaeology / archaeological sciences / interdisciplinary research

Medical (Exploring healing remedies through dental calculus analysis) - Elena Fiorin

Beasts to Craft - Matthew Collins, et al.

After the Plague - John Robb, et al.

Thanados - Stefan Eichert, Nina Brundke, et al.